Hassanali Jahanshahi Afshar

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Hassanali Jahanshahi Afshar, born in 1970 (Tehran, Iran) is an artist who has chosen art, particularly painting, as his greatest concern over the past 25 years. During this time, he has faced numerous challenges in both personal and social realms and has explored the contradictions in upbringing and society.

He is interested in the relationships between color and abstract forms alongside the events and occurrences on the canvas. The diversity of materials used in his works reflects an effort to achieve a personal style and content that stems from his way of living and thinking. In his works, Hassan Ali addresses the frustration resulting from repeated failures, systemic corruption, and the moral and cultural decay.

Through his art, Hassan Ali Jahanshahi Afshar not only expresses his emotions and thoughts but also seeks to invite the audience to reflect on profound human and social issues.


